Embedded systems

Embedded systems

Capteurs :

The reference book: Sensors in industrial instrumentation ( Les capteurs en instrumentation industrielle) by Georges Asch (Dunod) summarizes the existing sensors and their applications. This book is available at CRESITT and can be loaned to our members.

CRESITT has produced a technology watch file on this subject.

You can download it for free below:


The presentations of the seminar “New sensors for connected objects” are also available free of charge on our site: https://cresitt.com/seminaire-capteurs-et-objets-connectes/

Autonomie :

The sizing of the system depends on:

  • Daily consumption of the system (value, profile)
  • The most unfavorable geographic location
  • The desired autonomy (operation days without sun)

The determination of the cell or battery capacity depends on the maximum acceptable depth of discharge, reached for the desired autonomy, according to the discharge current.

Knowing the desired autonomy and the discharge current, the batteries and cells datasheets contain the chart to choose the capacity value.

The determination of the cell or battery capacity depends on the maximum acceptable depth of discharge, reached for the desired autonomy, according to the discharge current.

Knowing the desired autonomy and the discharge current, the batteries and cells datasheets contain the chart to choose the capacity value .

How to characterize and optimize my system in terms of electricity consumption?

The characterization of the systems consumption is carried out using the appropriate measuring instruments (oscilloscope, current probe, power analyzer). CRESITT has all these equipments.

Optimization is made possible by:

  • The choice of electronic components used
  • A study on the modes and periodicity of the operating modes of the system (standby, acquisition, processing, transmission, etc.)
  • The implementation